Beat Board
Beat Board
A criminal sneaks into someones house at night
They look around hoping to steal something valuable
He finds rooms filled with mysterious and creepy items
He finally finds a diamond necklace to steal
The homeowner is alerted of the man's presence
She puts her glasses on and goes downstairs to patrol the situation
The thief realizes his presence is known and panics
She looks into the kitchen while he hides in the fridge
When she looks away and he moves into the bathroom
She opens the bathroom door while he hangs into the back of the door
She slips on the floor and breaks her glasses, he takes this moment to make a run for it
Blinded, she walks to the door to lock it, she notices a jacket is on the floor
She picks it up and hangs it on the man impersonating a coat rack
Realizing he dropped the necklace in the living room the thief attempts to go back and steal it
The woman goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water, while the man is trying to find the item
She goes back into the living room and steps over the man who is impersonating a rug
He notices the diamond is on a chair that she is about to sit on
He runs to the chair but she beats him to it
She lays her glass of water down on him as he impersonates a table (she lays her glass down and tugs on his chains as he impersonates a lamp)
He successfully grabs the item from underneath her as she falls asleep
He makes a run for it to the door thinking he has escaped but then police sirens and colors appear
The woman places her diamond necklace back into its case
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